2019 is the year that I became a Runner.

Well, it's unfair to simply make a statement like that, without SOME context......

Halfway through 2018, I decided it was time to change my lifestyle, lose some weight, and be a little more healthy. What actually happened, was that something inside me just "clicked" and I found the discipline to be dedicated to something that was really hard. And I went from 280lbs at my heaviest, to 170lbs.

But that was 2018.... In 2018 I lost weight. 

2019 is the year that I became a RUNNER.

I'm still kind of wrapping my head around this new revelation that "I'm a runner." I may not be as fast as some, or have as much endurance as others; but I'm a runner, learning to run for me.

I never ran before 2019... Not with purpose anyway. Anytime I've HAD to run in my life, it was never something I wanted to do , and definitely wasn't something that I was willing to work at, or *gasp* do on purpose..... But the proof is now in the pudding. I now look forward to my runs. I thrive on them, they revitalize me and invigorate me. They challenge me and push me to go a little further, or go a little faster.

Yesterday; I had a super stressful day at work. I got home late, and all I wanted to do, was run..... What I WANTED, was to run. So I laced up my shoes, strapped on a headlamp, sent a few quick words of hope into the universe that I wouldn't get totally rained on, and off I went for a short 4 mile run, just to clear my head. (The fact that I now call a 4 mile run "short" is something that boggles my mind, even as I am typing this...) 

Before 2019; I never ran.

But IN 2019, I:
1- Completed a Spartan Trifecta (FL Super/Sprint weekend & NJ Beast);
2- Ran the Spartan Palmerton, PA 21K Trail Race;
3- Placed 3rd in my Age Group in a 5K race;
4- Ran my first 10K;
5- Ran my first 10 miler;
6- Finished my first Sprint Triathlon;
7- Ran 3 Half Marathons, all under 2hrs. (1:49PR);
8- Ran my first Full Marathon.

And in less than a month, I'm headed to Disney for the Dopey Challenge......

And my calendar next year? I'm not taking it easy. I'm continuing to challenge myself, to push harder, further, faster and get stronger. My year for 2020 is already planned out, training, running, strength training - working to give my very best effort to the Spartan Killington Ultra that I registered for. I'm actually afraid of it. But there's a part of me, that NEEDS to do it. It's the milestone/punctuation on my journey that I feel incomplete without. I don't know what the next goal will be after that, but I can pretty much guarantee, there will be running involved.

I'm still getting used to this new reality that "I'm a runner".... But I think it's who I am supposed to be. At least for this stage of my life, and I'm going to ride it as long as I can.

2019 is the year that I became a runner.

2019, is the year that I became.

